An exciting new MSC in Transport, health and policy at University College London from Autumn 2015



The strong links between transport and health are becoming better understood and, in April 2013, they were given formal recognition through the transfer to English local authorities of responsibility for public health.  For the first time in decades, there is the opportunity for local policies relating to transport and public health to fit together.

This is a challenge: during the years of policy separation, practitioners in the two fields developed different languages and cultures.  England is not unique in this: transport and health have a habit of not talking to each other in many parts of the world.

This MSc is a practical response to this situation and has been developed by staff at UCL whose expertise in the areas of both transport and public health is recognised globally. Those undertaking the MSc in Transport, Health and Policy will be equipped with the skills to generate, design and implement policies that will exploit the positive links between the two areas.

The four core modules take the student from the identification of problems and opportunities, through the generation and appraisal of responses, to championing and delivering policies in the real world.  The course content and teaching methods take proper account of the need for “hard” and “soft” skills so, for example, students will learn both how to analyse large data sets and how to lead multi-disciplinary teams in policy delivery.  And the novel course structure uses distance learning extensively and so will suit busy people and those far from London.

During the course, students will learn the latest evidence on the role of sustainable transport and its promotion, on increasing safe mobility and on the transport impacts of health policies such as the location of facilities.  At all times the focus will be on harnessing the potential for transport and health policies to support one another and on preventing them from undermining each other.

To find out more, visit the course webpage.  For details of entry requirements, fees, application procedures and possible funding, visit the course page on the UCL Prospectus website.  If you have a question, contact Programme Director Dr Catherine Holloway (

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