Journal of Transport & Health – Volume 1 Issue 2 – June 2014 Table of Contents


Journal of Transport & Health – Volume 1 Issue 2 – June 2014

Editorial for JTH Volume 1, Issue 2

Jennifer S. Mindell


TRB Health and Transportation Subcommittee

Eloisa Tigre Raynault, Ed Christopher


The impact of health problems on driving status among older adults

Kara E. MacLeod, William A. Satariano, David R. Ragland


  • We assessed the impact of several health problems on driving status among older adults.
  • We calculate a relative risk ratio which is relevant for evaluating individuals.
  • We calculate a population attributable risk which is relevant for populations.
  • The population impact and long term outcomes are important considerations.


The need for consistency and equity in driver education and assessment post-stroke

Annabel McNamara, Annie McCluskey, Jennifer White, Stacey George



  • Stroke survivors often experience reduced community participation.
  • Inequities exist in Australia for access to driving assessment post-stroke.
  • Strategies are proposed to improve consistency and equity.


Shifting short motorized trips to walking: The potential of active transportation for physical activity in Montreal

Catherine Morency, Marie Demers, Eric Poliquin



  • We estimate walking steps resulting from shifting short motorized trips to walking.
  • We propose the concept of walking threshold distance based on observed walk trips.
  • We examine change in distance threshold over 5 years among population segments.
  • We analyze the distribution of steps in reserve from various travel modes.
  • We calculate energy expenditure from the walking steps.


Parent safety perceptions of child walking routes

Cody Evers, Shawn Boles, Deb Johnson-Shelton, Marc Schlossberg, David Richey



  • We predict parent concern for child walking safety using observations of pedestrian infrastructure.
  • Street surveys were conducted in the field by parent observers using handheld computers.
  • Parent feelings of safety depend strongly on both the presence and quality of sidewalks.
  • Street crossings concern parents even when common crossing aids are present.
  • Results support use of appropriate behavior models for assessing walking choices.


Crossing guard presence: Impact on active transportation and injury prevention

Carolina Marinovic Gutierrez, Derek Slagle, Kristian Figueras, Anabel Anon, Anne Corinne Huggins, Gillian Hotz


Gender and used/preferred differences of bicycle routes, parking, intersection signals, and bicycle type: Professional middle class preferences in Hangzhou, China

Anne C. Lusk, Xu Wen, Lijun Zhou



  • Women preferred parking sheds, cycle tracks, bike signals, and public bicycles.
  • Barriers between cycle tracks and roads were 3 feet wide with 40 year old trees.
  • Half indicated they enjoyed bicycling due to beautiful surrounding environments.
  • Hangzhou׳s 11 foot wide cycle tracks are wide enough for side-by-side bicycling.
  • 5% of Chinese are overweight/obese compared with 28% for Hangzhou car owners.


Impact on cycling behavior and weight loss of a national cycling skills program (AustCycle) in Australia 2010–2013

C.Rissel, G. Watkins


  • First national cycling skills program established in Australia.
  • 4 year funding to implement nationally.
  • Evaluation showed statistically significant improvement in cycling skills and confidence, increased cycling and lower body mass index.


Estimating the health economic benefits of cycling

Gerard Deenihan, Brian Caulfield



  • Application of an health economic impact tool to cycling in Ireland.
  • Demonstration of the health benefits of improved cycling.
  • Discussion of the best methods to analyse health benefits that are generated from cycling.
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