Membership of the Transport and Health Science Group (THSG) is open to anyone interested in the effects of transport and health. Members include public health specialists, transport planners, engineers, academics, members of non-governmental organisations, professionals working in the public and the private sector, policy-makers, and members of the public.
Benefits of THSG membership include free non-commercial access to our e-book Health on the Move 2 (published in 2011, but a new edition is being prepared), a discount on personal subscriptions to the Journal of Transport and Health and some meetings and seminars. Most importantly, however, it supports our aim for an effective public health voice for healthy transport. We are currently carrying out a number of systematic reviews as part of the preparation of Health on the Move 3, reviewing our policy documents, and preparing guidelines on best practice.
For further information, please email or our Secretary, Beverley Hoyle
The membership subscription to THSG is at your discretion but, unless otherwise agreed (eg for certain invited honorary advisers) certain benefits of membership, such as reduced rate subscription for the Journal of Transport and Health, access to our conferences, voting rights, or the free licence for non-commercial use of Health on the Move 2 are available only to members who pay at least the recommended rate.
To join THSG
- Identify the relevant recommended rate from the list below
- Fill in a membership form (there is one after the list of recommended rates) and either e mail it to or print it and post it to THSG Membership, 1, Parklands, Shaw, OLDHAM, Lancashire OL2 8LW UNITED KINGDOM.
- Pay your subscription
- By completing the direct debit form which follows the membership form
- By setting up an annual standing order to the following Barclays Bank details, quoting your postcode and the first three letters of your surname as the reference:
A/C: Transport & Health Science Group UK Sort Code: 20-82-13
Account Number: 23796248
- By making a bank transfer to the above account
- By sending a cheque. Make the cheque payable to the Transport and Health Science Group and post it to THSG Membership, 1, Parklands, Shaw, OLDHAM, Lancashire OL2 8LW UNITED KINGDOM
- If the relevant recommended rate is zero, indicate that on your membership form
- Individual member per year: UK £10, converted for North America and Europe at conventional exchange rates.
- Individual members on low incomes who cannot afford the subscriptions are eligible for free membership or are invited to make a donation that they can afford.
- Africa, Asia, or island states in the Indian or Pacific Oceans– convert UK rates at purchasing power parity. If you do not have official purchasing power parity data to hand, £10 is the price of a sandwich and a cup of coffee for two people
- Latin America and the Caribbean – free membership via MoviSaL
- A form of free membership with restricted rights is available to members of the UK Faculty of Public Health Transport SIG or the New Zealand Transport Knowledge Hub but you may instead join as a full member with full rights.
- The subscriptions for groups and organisations include 7 free individual memberships (100 for silver sponsors, 500 for gold sponsors) and further members may join for half the normal rate.
- THSG Group per year UK £35
- Small organisation per year: UK £35
- Large organisation per year: UK £100
- Silver sponsor per year: UK £500
- Gold sponsor per year: UK £1,500
- Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand – convert UK rates at current rates of exchange
- Other countries – convert UK rates at purchasing power parity. If you do not have official purchasing power parity data to hand, £35 is the price of a sandwich and a cup of coffee for seven people
- Contributions in kind can be considered, especially for large organisations. Mutual affiliation is one such form of contribution in kind that has been agreed with a number of organisations.
New application/renewal (delete as appropriate).
Postcode/zip code
e-mail address:
Telephone (please include international code):
Profession / job title/ interest in transport and health / type of organisation:
Do you want your subscription to be free from the constraints of charitable funding so that it can be used for campaigning by the residual Transport and Health Study Group? Yes or No or 50/50
Are you a UK taxpayer who would like to consider making a Gift Aid declaration to increase the value of your contribution and would like us to send you information about this? Yes or No
How will you be paying your subscription
- You have set up a direct debit
- You have set up a standing order
- You have made a payment by bank transfer
- You have sent a cheque
- You do not need to pay a subscription
If you do not pay a direct subscription to THSG because you have joined through MoviSaL or through the free memberships for FPHSIG or NZTKH or as a nominee of a member organisation, or if you are an honorary adviser please indicate here: –
If you are paying only half the recommended rate because you are a member of an organisation which is a member or if you are claiming a reduced rate membership for any other reason please indicate the organisation (or other reason) here: –
If you are an individual please now submit the form
If you are an organisation please also supply the following additional information
Name of contact: –
Contact details of contact person if different from those of the organisation
How will your notify us of the names of your seven free members? (delete as appropriate from the following three options)
You will e mail their names, addresses, telephone numbers and e mail addresses to
Or You will ask them to complete an application form and to claim free membership
Or You are applying for silver sponsorship or gold sponsorship and are therefore entitled to more than seven free members so you will contact us to discuss the arrangements for managing this
Please now submit the form
Our direct debit system will collect direct debits at the standard UK rate, converted to foreign currencies at standard exchange rates. If you are from a developing country or you are paying a reduced rate do not use this form – we recommend an annual standing order instead
Click here to access the form:
- Individual member per year: UK £10
- Individual member who is a member of a member organisation: UK £5
- THSG Group per year: UK £35
- Small organisation per year: UK £35
- Large organisation per year: UK £100
- Silver sponsor per year: UK £500
- Gold sponsor per year: UK £1,500